
2023 – 2024


As part of our Literacy hook,’ Bertie and the Dragonfly’, we met Luna the school puppy! She visited us in our classroom and we all got to stroke her.


Spring has arrived and the children in reception embraced the season with a fun spring walk. They explored the vibrant outdoors discovering blooming flowers that they planted earlier this year. Their hands were busy crafting colourful butterflies and caterpillars and they celebrated the wonders of spring together.


As part of our new story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ , we visited Mudchute Farm. We had a great time looking at the different animals and feeding them. We especially loved the goats because they were really cute and friendly. 


World Book Day turned into a week of story celebrations at our school. Reception children stepped right out of their favourite books. We had a special author visit, inspiring sea creature sketches and creativity. We enjoyed crafting Rainbow Fish from paper plates amongst other activities. Parents also joined us for interactive reading, showcasing  the dynamic way we bring tales to life and share the joy of reading.


As part of their flip learning for this unit, over the half term holidays children created models showing scenes from Little Red Riding Hood with their families.

This term, Reception dived into the enchanting world of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ for their literacy topic. As part of our hook, we invited grandparents and parents to join us for a ‘Stay and Play’ session. Together, they made puppets, joined in fun activities and enjoyed a sweet treat of biscuits and squash. The children had a great time as they played and learned with their loved ones.

On our special number day, we dived into a world of fun and learning as we created numbers using squishy play dough and engaged in exciting math games.

Reception children had the opportunity to visit Plaistow Fire Station where they explored the fascinating world of firefighting. They climbed aboard fire engines and experienced firsthand the world of our local heroes.


This term, Reception class are exploring the book – ‘The Tiny King’. The story was brought to life with a Royal Banquet, where our young royals wore crowns they had made themselves. The children feasted on delicious food and treats. What an occasion!


We have had lots of fun celebrating Christmas! We had a delicious Christmas dinner, wrapped presents and read lots of Christmas stories.


We celebrated Halloween in reception with lots of fun activities. We have especially loved the messy play with gooey slime. We have also been dressing up in spooky outfits!

Our literacy focus this term is ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. We went on our very own bear hunt, tip-toeing through the forest and squelching in the mud. Then we found a cave with a real bear who jumped out and scared us!


Reception have been investigating their environment and spotting the signs of Autumn. We went on an Autumn leaf hunt, made hedgehogs from playdough and looked closely at lots of Autumn materials.

Reception were very excited to see the owls. Each child had the opportunity to hold the lovely owls. The children were very brave and had a wonderful experience.


We are delighted at how our children have settled in Reception really well. We have been exploring our learning environments and making new friends



For our end of year trip we ventured across the river to Greenwich Park. We took the train then the boat across the water. It was so much fun! At the park we played in the water and sand and had a fantastic time!

Using the spring onions we picked from our vegetable garden, we have made cheese and onion muffins. We took it in turns to mix the ingredients together, scoop the mixture into cases and then baked them in the oven. We enjoyed eating them as a treat at the end of a busy day. Delicious!


We celebrated the Kings Coronation by dressing up in red, white and blue and having a special fish and chips lunch. In the afternoon we had some yummy party snacks and played party games of musical statues and musical bumps! We were also lucky enough to get our faces painted with the Union Jack’


Reception went to Mudchute Farm as part of their literacy topic – ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children enjoyed meeting goats, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and more! They loved holding their hands out to feed the animals and laughing at their long tickly tongues. We finished off the day by rolling down the hill!

Reception had a great time celebrating the Easter period. We went on a chocolate egg hunt, made nest cakes and bonnets.


We won’t let the weather stop us! Some of the reception children made the most of the rainy weather this week. One of our tuff trays filled up with water, so the children decided to make it in to an ocean. We added lots of sea creatures, shells, boats and even an iceberg! The children had lots of fun making up stories about the animals and their adventures in the sea.

Reception went all out to celebrate world book day this year. Children made a huge effort to get dressed up as their favourite book character. We spent the day doing book related activities; making bookmarks, circle time about who we were dressed as and why they were our favourite, and of course reading lots of amazing books. We were also incredibly lucky to have the illustrator Korky Paul visit us, who read us his most famous story ‘Winnie the Witch’, and painted us a picture for our classrooms. We had so much fun!


We have had an action packed start to term with our new book Little Red Riding Hood. We had some fantastic flip learning over the holidays which we shared with our classes, then our Grandparents came to play for the morning. We had tea and biscuits and spent time with our grandparents, just like Red Riding Hood in the story.

This month we have been recognising LGBTQ+ month. In reception, we have been celebrating our uniqueness by making rainbow bracelets. The children enjoyed choosing the colours they want to use, and carefully threaded the beads onto the string. We had lots of conversations about what we like and how we are all special and different.


Reception have been celebrating Chinese New Year this week. We had a go at using chopsticks which was quite fiddly, trying hard to pick up the noodles which kept falling off! We also worked together in our classes to make a traditional dragon which we have displayed on our celebrations wall. Happy Chinese New year everyone!

As part of Aspirations week, Reception have been looking at people who help us. We went to the Fire Station and explored the daily routine of a fire fighter, the equipment they use and how they fight off hazards.

Re​ception have been creating home projects based on the Tiny King. Children discovered different materials and made castles and crowns with their families at home. They used paint, felt tip pens, chalk and coloured card to create their art work. The projects are displayed in the classrooms for all to see.


Reception enjoyed visiting the library this week. We walked there from school, being very careful when crossing the roads. We listened to Ms Deborah read us a story about a library, then got to choose our own book to take home. Then Ms Deborah gave us all our very own library cards so we can go back to the library with our families and take books home to read!

Reception have been learning all about the celebrations of Diwali and Bonfire Night. The children enjoyed making Diva lamps out of clay and carefully painted them with beautiful patterns. We also made fireworks pictures, and had lots of fun flicking different colours of paint onto the paper to create the firework effect.

This term Reception are reading ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. We went on our very own bear hunt around the school and enjoyed acting out the story together. We went stumbling through the forest, and splashing in the water. We even found a scary bear hiding in the cave, who chased us all back home! 


As a hook for our T4W Owl Babies we met some real life birds of prey. We were really lucky to be hold some of these incredible animals.



In Reception, we had an Eid Party to celebrate the Muslim festival of Eid ul Fitr. The day before the party we  made some delicious Eid biscuits. On the day of the party, we dressed up in our party clothes, shared delicious food and did lots of dancing! Some of us had our hands decorated with henna patterns. We all had so much fun!


As part of our Literacy Hook for ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, we went to Mudchute Farm to see some real goats. We met many amazing animals and we fed them too!


In Reception we have been planting potatoes, onions and carrots in our growing area.

We took part in a national ‘Writing a Riddle Competition’.  Twelve of our children have been chosen to have their riddle published in a book! The children were awarded with a certificate and a book mark.

We made pancakes in Reception today to celebrate ‘Pancake Tuesday’ . We decorated them with strawberries, bananas, golden syrup, fresh cream and sprinkles and they were delicious!


Reception went to visit the local Ascension church as part of the Newham POW competition. The children had lots of fun learning about all the things that Christians do at a church. They went on a cross hunt and played with some of the instruments.


During ‘Aspirations Week’ we looked at the different job roles that people have. We dressed up and had lots of fun taking on the role of some of these people.

Today in reception we had a Royal Banquet as a hook for the story ‘Tiny King’. The children dressed up in their fancy clothes and wore their special crowns they had made. 


On Tuesday 7th December, we all went to Custom House library for a fantastic story time session. We sang songs and listened to a story about a crocodile.


In Reception we went for an ‘Autumn Walk’ and collected lots of leaves. In class we did some leaf printing and made some hedgehogs.

In Reception we have been learning about Diwali and why it is celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs. We made our own ‘Divas’ using clay. We painted them with bright colours and decorated them.


In Reception we learnt about what happens during the ‘Harvest Festival’.  We looked at where wheat comes from and how bread is made. We then made some bread rolls



As a hook for the Owl Babies, we had a fantastic bird of prey workshop. We met some magnificent birds including an owl and a kookaburra.